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Brody Young BrodyYoung
✨Full Stack Software Developer.全栈软件开发者。 ✨Stay hungry,Stay foolish. 终身学习,持续进步。道阻且长,行则将至。 ✨Java/ Golang/ Python/ JavaScript/ TypeScript/ Node.js

Beijing, China

JianYuJian JianYuJian
Hello, I am a programmer with a passion for creating innovative and efficient solutions to complex problems. With a strong background in computer science and se
Samantha Lee sonicsunsky
Hi, my name is Samantha Lee, an aspiring computer scientist. I'm ready to explore and create solutions in the tech industry!
Wang Junhao Nickfox7
I am eager to learn on GitHub and contribute my part to this community.

Jiangsu University 江苏省镇江市京口区江苏大学

王同新 michaeltx


Jiahao Xiang jiahaoxiang2000
to be a simple, to be a stupid.

China Hengyang

Wenbo Peng wenbopeng
Lawyer & Patent Attorney, PhD Candidate, HUST Management School

HUST WuHan.China

school TJPU
Eric Lee janslee
A java programmer, called "manong" in china which means a worker who use the keyboard to develop the program to make money, that's me

@perficient @prcsteel Hangzhou

Kuo-Cool bkcsplayer
I am ready and just waiting for a chance.

Khtain Digital Calgary AB

王氏软件 aiwongs
Lead Software Engineer (Core & Design) at WoNGs TeAMs

WoNGs TeAMs Shanghai China

Horry Xu xuhongjia
i am Horry Xu, i am love and learning open sources. I will use my spare time to complete some projects by learning the open source code on github