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Travel app, has native iOS (UIKit) and React Native versions.


  1. Install Bundler.
  2. Install Node LTS.
  3. Install Yarn.
  4. Install git secrets.
    brew install git-secrets
    cd green-travel-combine
    git secrets --install
    git secrets --register-aws
  5. On project root execute bundle install.
  6. On project root execute yarn install.
  7. Create ~/.netrc file. Ask maintainers (see below) to provide file contents.
  8. On folder ./ios execute bundle exec pod install.
  9. Ask maintainers for files:
    1. aws-exports.js - put into ./src folder.
    2. .env - put into root folder.
    3. amplifyconfiguration.json - put into ./ios folder.
    4. awsconfiguration.json - put into ./ios folder.
    5. GoogleService-Info.plist - put into ./ios folder.
  10. On project root execute yarn rnuc .env.

Setup - React Native specific

  1. Add line below in your .bashrc/.zshrc file:

Maintainers who can provide files needed for setup

  1. UIKit version maintainer.
  2. React Native version maintainer.

Commit format

We use commitlint to check git commit messages.
Valid format examples (notice space after colon):

chore(EPMEDUGRN-243): run tests on travis ci
fix(137): send cors headers
feat(312): add comment section


  1. An error occurred while installing json (2.5.1), and Bundler cannot continue. In this case try to:
    1. Install rvm.
    2. rvm install 2.6.3.
    3. gem install bundler.
    4. Repeat from step 4 in main setup.
  2. Error during the pod installation - try the same as above.