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A front-end technology team.



SoybeanJS is a front-end technology team, built by Soybean(

Technology Stack

  1. TypeScript, NodeJs, Bun, tsx.
  2. JS Framework: Vue3, React, Solid, Svelte, Astro, etc.
  3. SSR: Nuxt, Next, SolidStart, SvelteKit.
  4. Charts: AntV, ECharts, Charts.js, d3, Threejs.
  5. Tools:
    • Vite: build web app
    • unbuild, tsup: build TS library
    • simple-git-hooks、lint-staged: git hooks
    • code standards: eslint-config
  6. Cross Platforms: ReactNative, UniApp, Ionic(CapacitorJS), Tauri, Electron, etc.

Open source project

  • soybean-admin: A fresh and elegant admin template, based on Vue3、Vite3、TypeScript、NaiveUI and UnoCSS.
  • soybeanjs-cli: SoybeanJS's command lint tools
    • create and verify git commit with Angular standard
    • integrat "rimraf", "npm-check-updates", "bumpp"
    • generate changlog by git commits
  • create-soybean: SoybeanJS's command line to create different project templates (TS, Vue, React, pnpm monorepo)
  • eslint-config: SoybeanJS's eslint flat config preset: support TS, Vue, React, Solid, Svelte, Astro, etc.
  • elegant-router: A plugin to create router elegently, support Vue, React, Solid and Svelte.
  • changelog: Generate changelog from git tags and commits for github
  • color-palette: The implementation of the color palette algorithm of the site uicolors.
  • prettier-plugin-json-sort: A prettier plugin to sort package.json and tsconfig.json.
  • syncmirror: sync npmmirror.
  • githublogen: Generate changelog for GitHub releases.
  • unocss-preset-design: A unocss plugin to create theme based CSS varaibles.


  1. soybean-admin soybean-admin Public

    A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 …

    TypeScript 8.7k 1.5k

  2. soybean-admin-docs soybean-admin-docs Public


    TypeScript 51 39

  3. cli cli Public

    SoybeanJS's command lint tools

    Vue 16 16

  4. elegant-router elegant-router Public

    A plugin to create router elegantly, support Vue, React, Solid and Svelte

    TypeScript 47 9

  5. eslint-config eslint-config Public

    SoybeanJS's eslint flat config presets with prettier

    TypeScript 48 8

  6. color-palette color-palette Public

    the color palette algorithm of the site (uicolors)[]

    TypeScript 10 1


Showing 10 of 34 repositories